Your Key person
We know how important it is for children to feel confident, comfortable and cared for at nursery. This is why we have adopted a key person approach. Each child has a key person who is their main carer at nursery, supporting them on every step of the way in their learning journey. The key person will also be your first port of call if you have any worries; we always aim to forge caring, trusting and respectful relationships with the parents and carers who use our service.
We know how precious memories can be, and this is why every child takes away a development file at the end of their time at nursery. In these development files the key person uses observations and photographs to log the children's achievements, giving parents and carers a chance to see how their child has developed throughout their time with us.
Meeting the Needs of the Younger Children aged 2-3 years
Our nursery accommodates and provides a personalised and tailored routine for children from two to three years of age and provides experiences to meet the needs of the children’s growing independence and curiosity, whilst still maintaining an environment where children feel safe and secure.
The practitioners are skilled in supporting the children’s individual and ever changing needs and ensure that the children have fun whilst learning through play. Your child’s key person will work in partnership with you in order to ensure continuity between home and nursery with regard to your toddler’s individual routines, needs and interests.
Meeting the Needs of the Older Children aged 3-5 years
Provision for our oldest children builds upon our nursery ethos of learning through play, whilst introducing many new key learning opportunities to help your child develop their early skills in all areas. Whilst supporting children’s play, our practitioners will use their knowledge of each child’s stage of development in order to develop their skills, such as sharing and cooperation, early literacy and Numeracy skills and much more. These are key skills which will help your child adjust to school life when they leave us. The routine has been developed to ensure that each day all of our children experience time for independent play, adult supported activities, circle times and outdoor play, in addition to any other planned experiences to extend the children’s interests. In addition to the many experiences and learning opportunities offered inside, our children are given plenty of opportunities each day to explore our exciting outdoor play environment.